LELLE2 project in the eTwinningTwinSpace community Come and join to us!
Online International Conference
LELLE2 LEAFLET is available in English.
Added value stories – Learning Methodology Days and Literary Translating Contest
Our first LELLE2 podcast is available in English!!! The topic of the discussion is learning skills development for secondary school students. Réka Vámosi, project manager’s talk-partners are Dr. Edit Kővári, associate professor, responsible for the university coordination of the European Capital of Culture program and Tamás Kigyós, master lecturer, psychologist, educational expert.
If you would like to know more info about how to get a better chance when applying to a higher education institution or during a job interview, we recommend you the online LELLE2 Regional Roundtable events.

Online Transnational Project Meeting / Deva
The LELLE2 Partnership held the 4th transnational project meeting between 16-17 November, 2020. Due to the pandemic it could only be realised online, but thanks to the use of modern digital tools the work went smoothly and effectively. The 2-day online meeting was organised by Téglás Gábor Theoretical High School, Deva.

Gateway trainings for LELLE2 Partners were successfully organized by the Eszterházy Károly University and the University of Pannonia

Transnational Project Meeting in Kuressaare
The LELLE2 Partnership had their 3rd transnational project meeting in Kuressaare, Estonia hosted by the Kuressaare Gymnasium. During the two days besides many project management, quality assurance and dissemination issues the partners discussed the outcomes and feedback of the How to Teach How to Learn – Training for secondary school teachers and Learning skill assessment of secondary school students, the organisation of the Short-term joint staff training event in Bratislava, the tasks connected to Pedagogical materials for learning skills development and future issues such as the preparation for Regional Roundtable events and International Conference and next steps to create the European Learning Skills Development Gateway.

O2 – How to Teach How to Learn – Training for secondary school teachers
O2 the first phase was to develop the “How to Teach How to Learn” training material based on the outcome of O1. The O2 phase main aim was to give a methodological toolkit, “How to Teach How to Learn” training material, which helps teachers integrating the three skills (critical thinking, problem solving, managing own learning process) into different secondary school subjects lesson plan and latter into the school curriculum. The best 10 learning skills improvement methods and techniques of each pillars (critical thinking, problem solving and managing own learning process) were developed and elaborated by experts from the University of Pannonia (UP), Hungarian Institute for Educational Research and Development of Eszterházy Károly University (EKU) and National Institute for Education (SPU).

C1 – Short-term joint staff training event in Bratislava
The “How to Teach How to Learn” training material gave the base of the 5-day Training Activity in Bratislava 2019 July. As the outcome of the training participants became familiar with their tasks in the next steps of the project. They got ready to the “teaching” of their colleagues at the beginning of the next academic year and had an idea on the mentoring of their participating colleagues in the implementation. During the training week teachers prepared lesson plans based on the three learning skills. They created a strategic plan to implement the methods, improving the learning skills in their school.

Transnational Project Meeting in Bratislava – 2019 March
The LELLE2 Partnership had their 2nd transnational project meeting in Bratislava, Slovakia hosted by the National Institute for Education. During the two days besides many project issues the partners discussed the outcomes and feedback of the Best Practice Collection on Learning Skills Development and future issues such as the preparation for How to Teach How to Learn – Training for secondary school teachers, the organisation of the Short-term joint staff training event in Bratislava and Learning skill assessment of secondary school students.

Kick-off meeting in Veszprém
The first transnational project meeting was held in Veszprém at the Faculty of Business and Economics of the University of Pannonia on 8th – 9th October, 2018. The Partnership successfully started the project work in the Kick-off meeting.